Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Is anyone still out there??? I just realized this blog is still here...


Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's been WAYYYY too long!

Hi everyone!

Diana's email reminded me that it has been way too long since we touched base!

I'm going to open the conversation with some images of a painting series I've been working on. I haven't had opportunity to receive any critique on the work, so if you feel so inclined, critique away. If not, now you know what I'm working on! I can't wait to see what everyone else is doing!

Here is an artist statement that goes along with my current body of work:

“The becoming-animal of the human being is real, even if the animal the human being becomes is not… a becoming lacks a subject distinct from itself…”
-Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia

Becoming animal (or other) is real, if not literal. In my current body of paintings, I explore what becoming means. As I currently attempt to understand it, becoming brings with it jouissance—a joyful agony, or an excess of pleasure so intense it is painful.

Often, when I sketch and paint, I try to conjure up ideas of becoming animal, becoming other, and jouissance. I want viewers to connect with these ideas, if only on a subtle level, but preferably on a visceral one. My paintings are traces of my trying to understand and express ideas of becoming and jouissance.

Becoming and jouissance are violent and grotesque, as are life, excess, real pleasure and pain. Jouissance is an orgasmic, tortured scream. Becoming is living—really living—in all of its agony and ecstasy. 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Beach Creatures

If you haven't seen this already, you must looks at this. So incredible!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


We are all Alumni now!!! he he!!
Miss you all and it was SO DAMN good to see you all at the last rez.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

it feels like fall here

Leah!!!!! Those paintings are blocking me from coming up with a awesome enough word to describe them. I am rusty with my foofy artist terms. HA! I LOVE THEM!!! I looked at the second one for a while and realized that I was drawn to it because it was so visually satisfying but also disgusting. But what stood out to me the most is that the gross part was actually beautiful too. I had a strange reaction to that and its hard to describe the feeling...very very cool Leah.

I feel like a looser, my life is weird right now, I am in a flux, at a crossroads, I really want to drink and entire bottle of wine and sleep in the grass all night but I AM A PARENT....ugh....he he

I keep thinking and thinking about the damn art and then I stop and say...maybe I should just start frigging making it!!!! grrr!

I didn't know what to expect after graduation but the change is much more extreme than I could have expected.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Hey everyone!

Above are pictures of what I did after I came back from Vermont. It's for the little co-op gallery I belong to in East Boston.

I hope you're all doing well!


Monday, June 6, 2011

hey yall

Iw as thinking of all of you the other day when I went to Sabrina's incredible house. She lives on Lake Elmore, only 20 minutes from me and I spent the day with her and other staff from VCFA, on the water, eating and chatting. Arden was flirting with all the ladies of course and mowing on fruit. It was such a releif to be around people from VCFA and Sabrina. It feels like its been forever and its strange how disconnected I feel. After graduation its like full force motherhood and not more margaritas or veeeno. ;)
Have you guys been making art?! I have been recording video and taking images both digital and film but have done nothing with them yet. I am so busy with my site and trying to make a living and be a mum. The job market SUCKS here and I am starting to feel discouraged. I had a great photo shoot with Brian and Sumru though!! Thanks to both of you for contirbuting to my little growing business!!
I am in dracut right now visiting family and there are people every where talkin like they are from boston, paaaaaakin theya caaaas and such. ha ha.
I miss you all terribly and think of you all the time. I hope some if not all of you are coming to the residency. I am going to go the opening and also graduation and closing.
I hope you all are doing great!!
Love love love,